We would like to ask you for your understanding that all orders can only be sent again from January 11th, 2022.
Landgarten Winterpause
Aus diesem Grund möchten wir euch um Verständnis bitten, dass alle Bestellungen erst wieder ab dem 11.1.2022 versendet werden können.
The Landgarten-Team
Like the plants in our Landgarten, the land”gardeners” are constantly thriving and growing. After more than 30 years of careful maintenance, the company already has 60 employees. And the forecasts continue to look good.
As a company, Landgarten is very proud of its roots. However, these do not only extend deeply, they also continue to spread. We are pleased that Landgarten is an employer for people from 8 different countries.
Herbert Stava
Founder & Owner Origin: Bruck/Leitha, Lower Austria
Zodiac sign: restless pioneer
Loves: Chocolate in every shape and color – as long as it’s organic!
Johannes Strobl
Founder & Owner Origin: Kapelln, Lower Austria
Likes: soy fields as much as soccer fields
Thinks: that hard work pays off – Landgarten is the best example
Florian Kühbacher
CEO Origin: Wiener Neustadt, Lower Austria
Has: over 15 years of Landgarten experience
favorite food: hot, hot, hot!!
We are looking forward to introducing you to even more employees in the coming weeks and months. Stay tuned!